How Can Gamification be Used to Attract Young Talents?

How Can Gamification be Used to Attract Young Talents?

Trends have Shifted

With the increased level of competition among industries and companies, HR professionals and business leaders around the world are starting to realize that one of their most valuable assets is their employees. Attracting top talent, especially younger candidates, is a constant challenge for HR since there is more complexity in the process of hiring. But this can be accomplished by implementing a method that pushes industries to find the most effective methods to win the best talents. The workforce is currently dominated by millennials, and this will shift to Gen Zs in the future, which means that HR professionals, business leaders, and entrepreneurs must devise strategies to engage, motivate, attract, and retain them as employees since millennials and Gen Zs have been described as being more fast-paced, anxious, and having shorter attention spans than Generation X. And in a large part, this is due to technology

Why Technology?

With the internet, technology is accessible anywhere, especially for today’s workforce. The changing behavior of Millennials and Gen Zs go hand in hand with the rapid developments in technology. Young generations rely on up-to-date and hassle-free ways to get through the day, even in aspects like navigation, food ordering, public transportation and the like. These “traditional” businesses have no choice but to adapt and transform themselves to be more technological. Things move faster, are more convenient, and are more easily accessible. 


So, what should industries and employers do to engage and retain the younger generation in the industry?


Many believe that gamification Is the ideal way to combine technology, HR processes, and the young generation to make employer branding in companies more effective. By using gamification, companies allow HR to use mechanisms or rules from games in the context of non-gaming activities, one of which is the recruitment process. The uniqueness of the gamification method is that it attracts attention, it is a way for companies and prospective employees to “interact” with each other, unlike with conventional recruitment processes. Innovative recruitment also shows the “value” of the company itself. Millennials, who are potential young employees, generally prefer interesting and unique ways of work rather than traditional methods. The more creative and innovative it is, the greater the chance of getting employees who are no less creative and innovative. It is the ideal strategy for attracting millennials and Gen Z to your company or industry as they are surely digital natives and tech-savvy. Gamification provides a clear incentive or reward and taps into our natural desire to succeed. Furthermore, it provides a challenge or a small hurdle and lets users overcome it, in the end giving the result of each user personality. 


We believe that by attracting a young and creative generation through an advanced methodology like gamification, a company’s overall branding and rate of success can be increased. For more information on how gamified assessments can help your company, read more about DEUS Human Capital Services!


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