Getting the right fit!

Helping you find the best fit between people and job roles through an innovative and immersive gamified assessment

Improve time to hire professionals & executives

The number one reason why people turn down job offers is because they are offered another. 26% of candidates say they left the hiring process because it “took too long”. In the competitive market, first-to-offer has the first pick of talent. If you move slowly, you don’t just lose the best candidates – you also lose revenue.

Evaluation that works

Surface the qualities that matter

Interview flexibility

Their timing, on their device

Better job fit

Better fit, longer stay

First to talent

Secure top candidates quicker

Increased Job Satisfaction

  • By finding the best balance between individuals, traits and competencies within your organization and position-specific responsibilities, we can ensure that you not only have the right person, but that they are in a place and role that best suits them

Reduced Turnover

  • By enhancing the synergy between people and roles, we improve staff engagement. When your people are happier and feel recognized and rewarded, according to their values, they are more likely to stay with you

Higher Performance

  • When people are working in the right jobs, they can fully apply their skills and unlock their potential. This leads to better performing individuals creating stronger teams, which results in more successful organizations

800 companies and counting

0 %
Reported higher staff engagement
0 %
Reduced turnover
0 %
Reported improved productivity

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